21 October, 2011

Thank God It's Friday

     Yap, it is Friday. And I love it. This has been a very hard week, and I have been so busy that I have no idea how I managed to do everything. Last Friday seems so far away, and I honestly can't really remember what is it I did then. I won't be bothered by that, because it doesn't really matter. But what does matter is I will have so much fun this weekend! So, now I will listen to TGIF to inspire me and write about all the great things I have planned for the next few days!

     Here in Serbia, it is very common to go out clubbing. When someone goes out, it is almost obligatory to go to u club, have at least a few drinks, dance all night. Considering Belgrade is at the very top of Best Nightlife in Europe, it is normal we all like going out. But not every night out must include alcohol, loud music and that awful smell in my hair the morning after. So, this weekend I decided I will have lots of fun, and still not have a drop of alcohol. 
     In an hour I will go the movies. We still have not decided what to see, but I am thinking The Three Musketeers because I love Orlando Bloom (I was madly in love with him after he played Legolas), What's Your Number? (because it a romantic comedy, and I need some romance in my life, at least on screen when I can't have it in RL), or One Day (the same reason as the previous movie, but I also love Anne, and it is also a drama). We will decide when we get there. Prolly going to vote and see. Since it is three of us(maybe four, Nina's supposed going to get back to me I hope soon) we could go with first movie. I will write about my impressions soon, so you will find out.

    Tomorrow I work, and in the afternoon I have a salsa class. And after that Maja will come over, and we will have so much fun. I love spending time with her, and we always have plenty to talk about. I mean, I didn't see her in 4 days. That is a long time! :P That just reminded me I need to let her know about Sunday. We are going bowling again! I can't wait!

  But, before we go bowling, I am going to The Book Fair! I already have a mental checklist of books I need to buy:

  • 1. I Heart Hollywood
  • 2. I Heart Paris
  • 3. The newest WoT translated book in Serbian(it just came out, I think today)
  • 4. A book I need for Uni., nothing too fun
  • 5. German dictionary
  • 6. ... I will find a thousand more, but I think my wallet is far too light to afford many...
     I finished I Heart New York today, and I feel in love with the book. I know I might be considered shallow because I read those books, but that is who I am. I am sorry I don't find Freud interesting, or that I enjoy reading about romance in a big city I will prolly never live. But it makes me think it might happen some day. And that there is a happy ending for everyone. 

    So, as you all can see, I will have a lot of fun during this weekend, I will spend quality time with some friends, and in the spare time, i will hang out with Suzana (she came a few days ago, finally) and do some Autumn cleaning. My room desperately needs it!

    There is one more thing I wanted to share with you... I never mentioned much about one part of my life, my love life. I didn't want to talk about it, but maybe I could say something. So tell me if you are interested. I will also put on a poll which you can find on wither left or right sidebar, so please vote. If I get enough votes, I will share a few things with you. :-)

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