30 December, 2011


     When a year ends, we all tend to evaluate just how good the year we are about to end was. When 2010 was about to end, all I could think about was how 2011 can't be worse. How my life completely changed in 2010, and that 2011 must be better. Little did I know that just two months later a chapter in my life would end and I would feel worse than I ever felt in my entire life.
     But now that I think about it, that might be one of the best things about 2011, because it made me change so much. I lost weight, started loving myself so much more, I started this blog, I started taking salsa lessons, and  I must admit I never felt better ^^
     So, if I forget about the first three months of 2011, the year was a success!!! And that is something that gives me a lot of enthusiasm to make 2012 even better!!! So I will make a list of my 2012 resolutions! I know some of them I will give up after just a few weeks/days, but I will still try to make myself better, and these will help!!!

     Here they are, in no particular order:

  1. I will do some housework everyday!
  2. I will list and review all the books I read here on my blog.
  3. I will list all and review all the movies I watch here on my blog.
  4. I will not plan everything, but I will still be organized!
  5. I will not lose time doing nothing on Facebook!
  6. I will get fit, and stay fit! (continuing salsa, and taking up yoga or pilates)
  7. I will eat healthy 80% of the time!
  8. I will always look good! I will have my hair clean and I will wear nice things! (Most of the times this is the case, but sometimes I am just lazy! I can't let that happen anymore!!!)
  9. I will not be late for work!
  10. I will not spend money on stupid things!
  11. I will do at least 15 things from my list in 2012!
  12. I will post more on my blog!
  13. I will keep myself more informed!
  14. I will spend more time with family!
  15. ... I might add some more...

     Comment and write your resolutions, I would love to read about them! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like you are going to have a very good 2012! My goals are just to do better at my work (studying), stay organized and keep going to the gym. Happy New Year! :-)

    PS-Your blog is really good!
