01 July, 2012

Gaudeamus Igitur Juvenes Dum Sumus - I present to you a University Graduate!!! - DONE

Gaudeamus Igitur - Students' Anthem
Gaudeamus igitur, 
Juvenes dum sumus;
Post icundum iuventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Let us therefore rejoice,
While we are young;
After our youth,
After a troublesome old age
The ground will hold us.
Vita nostra brevis est,
Brevi finietur;
Venit mors velociter,
Rapit nos atrociter;
Nemini parcetur.
Our life is brief,
It will shortly end;
Death comes quickly,
Cruelly snatches us;
No-one is spared.
Ubi sint qui ante nos
In mundo fuere?
Vadite ad superos,
Transite in inferos
Hos si vis videre.
Where are those who before us
Existed in the world?
You may go up to the gods,
You may cross into the underworld
If you wish to see them.
Vivat academia,
Vivant professores,
Vivat membrum quodlibet,
Vivat membra quaelibet;
Semper sint in flore!
Long live the university,
Long live the teachers,
Long live each male student,
Long live each female student;
May they always flourish!

     The day had come when I can cross out another thing from my list, and tell everyone I have graduated. Finished University! I am now part of that 6% of the people in my country with higher education. The elite some might say. Personally, I am not sure I would ever use that term.
     On Monday(26th) I had my last exam, and on Tuesday afternoon, I found out that I passed with a great grade. It was thrilling, since I was in the hospital getting ready for my surgery, which I will explain in the next post. Anyway, my last exam was Human Resorces, and I was pleased to say I had lots of luck, and I knew 90% of the questions that were on my exam. That is why I got the grade 9, and my average grade will be around 9.35.(I will get back to you on that)
     How do I feel now that I have finished with another part of my life? I must admit, it makes no difference to me. I still feel the same. Except now I need to see what next. I mean what is there after this? I have applied for a scholarship for a DAUS program here in Belgrade, and I will apply for a Master Course in London. And I will try to enroll on this interesting Master Course in Belgrade, but somehow, that is all just a plus, because, I have finished my 16 years of, in my mind, obligatory education(don't get me wrong, and I will explain why I find it obligatory for myself one day), and I might be tired of studying more... But if I do get a scholarship, I will see that as a sign, that I need to continue with my education!!!! But that won't happen until September/October, so there is time!
    Until then, I will just be happy I can enjoy the spare time I have and read, relax, and think about what next during this promising Summer of 2012!

Oh, I almost forgot!


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